Jun 27, 2014
Edinburgh Edinburgh News 4 - Classic French Cassoulet with a Scottish Twist
I've decided to go a little bit continental this week for my recipe.. but don't worry I've still given it my own Scottish twist! The...

Jun 27, 2014
The search for Scotland’s best-kept secret ingredient: Kingdom of Fife
With a coastline of 117 miles and a strong fishing heritage, it’s no wonder the Kingdom of Fife produces an abundance of quality seafood....

Jun 24, 2014
Edinburgh Evening News 3 - Cranachan Mess
This weeks recipe for my Edinburgh Evening News column is Cranachan Mess. A similar dessert to Eton Mess, this is perfect for special...

Jun 24, 2014
My Blooming Great Tea Party for Marie Curie Cancer Care
Today I helped launch the Blooming Great Tea Party campaign, on behalf of Marie Curie Cancer Care. The initiative encourages people to...

Jun 20, 2014
The search for Scotland’s best-kept secret ingredient: Dundee & Angus
This week’s blog focuses on Dundee & Angus – a region that produces some of my favourite things. I love marmalade and Dundee has a long...

Jun 16, 2014
Mark Recreates the Scotch Broth for Land of Food and Drink 2014
I am very proud to be a part of the 2014 Food & Drink campaign as a chef ambassador to champion Scotland’s larder and build our...

Jun 13, 2014
The search for Scotland’s best-kept secret ingredient: Perthshire
This week I’m focusing on ingredients from Perthshire. With its fertile soil and mild climate, it’s not surprising that food and drink...

Jun 9, 2014
Edinburgh Evening News 2 - Peanut Caramel Cheesecake
Mark's brand new column in the Evening News continued on Friday as he shared another of his recipes. The weekly column, which is...

Jun 6, 2014
The search for Scotland’s best-kept secret ingredient: Grampian
Continuing my tour of Scottish regions, this week I’ve arrived in Grampian. It’s a region packed with amazing ingredients, famous the...