Jul 31, 2014
The search for Scotland’s best-kept secret ingredient: Greater Glasgow and the Clyde Valley
This week’s blog focuses on Greater Glasgow and Clyde Valley. Now, this is a region that knows its food! There are wee deli shops all...

Jul 29, 2014
Edinburgh Evening News 8 - Baked Alaska
Soft, fluffy sponge, frozen ice cream and hot,crispy meringue...it has to be Baked Alaska! This recipe gives you the option to make the...

Jul 25, 2014
The search for Scotland’s best-kept secret ingredient: Ayrshire, Arran and Argyll
I’m moving over to the west coast in this week’s blog. With over 80 miles of unspoiled coastline, as well as multiple sea lochs, hills...

Jul 18, 2014
The search for Scotland’s best-kept secret ingredient: Dumfries and Galloway
This week the blog moves west to Dumfries and Galloway where the climate is surprisingly warm due to currents from the Gulf Stream. This,...

Jul 18, 2014
Edinburgh Evening News 7 - Pea Veloute
This week I have revealed the recipe behind one of your favourite Restaurant Mark Greenaway dishes. The Pea Veloute is perfect served...
Jul 13, 2014
Mark Talks Hospital Food on BBC Newsnight
Last month Mark was asked to appear on BBC Newsnight Scotland to discuss the standard of hospital food throughout Scotland. Having worked...

Jul 11, 2014
The search for Scotland’s best-kept secret ingredient: Scottish Borders
The Scottish Borders is an impressive land of rolling hills, farmland and rugged coast - from the Southern Uplands to Berwickshire, the...

Jul 11, 2014
Edinburgh Evening News 6 - Scottish Mushrooms on Toast
Back to Scotland for my recipe this week, using the best local mushrooms I can find. It is one of the best ingredients you can use in...

Jul 4, 2014
The search for Scotland’s best-kept secret ingredient: Edinburgh and the Lothians
When it comes to eating out in the capital, you’re spoiled for choice by its vast array of dining experiences. But for those of you who...

Jul 4, 2014
Edinburgh Evening News 5 - Peach Cobbler
To celebrate Independence Day I've gone for a traditional American dish in this weeks Evening News column, the Peach Cobbler. My...