Aug 29, 2014
Edinburgh Evening News 13 - Hollandaise Sauce
Believe it or not, Hollandaise sauce is actually French! The name comes from the origins of the recipe, as the sauce was first cooked up...

Aug 22, 2014
Edinburgh Evening News 12 - Hake en Papillote
This week I bring you a dish which wouldn't look out of place on any restaurant table, but is actually a breeze for you to assemble at...

Aug 18, 2014
Edinburgh Evening News 11 - Pan Roasted Plaice
THE largely undervalued plaice is a flat fish related to sole. It is popular throughout Europe with Britain and Denmark the largest...

Aug 8, 2014
Edinburgh Evening News 10 - Mussels with Cider and Peas
Most of the mussels available these days are rope or net-grown. This makes them easy to find, sustainable, affordable and simple to...

Aug 8, 2014
The search for Scotland’s best-kept secret ingredient: Loch Lomond, Trossachs and Forth Valley
Nestled in the heart of Scotland, this region is renowned for its excellent game, beef and lamb producers and you can find a great...

Aug 1, 2014
Edinburgh Evening News 9 - Jam Jar
This dessert started out through necessity. When we first opened the restaurant, I had used up my entire crockery budget on plates and,...