Aug 28, 2015
Edinburgh Evening News 65 - Salt Hake Brandade, Pickled Beetroot, Mini Melba Toasts, Dill Mayonnaise
This week’s recipe is a perfect starter to serve when entertaining guests. All elements can be prepared well ahead of time so that only...

Aug 21, 2015
Edinburgh Evening News 64 - Perthshire Wood Pigeon, Cherry Gel, Liver Parfait, Toasted Hazelnuts
We are heading into the best time of year for wood pigeon. These plump birds are available at game dealers, farmers’ markets and even...

Aug 14, 2015
Edinburgh Evening News 63 - Chocolate Bars
Chocolate recipes always go down a treat. This week I am sharing my recipe for the chocolate bars that we serve as petit fours at the...

Aug 7, 2015
Edinburgh Evening News 62 - Roasted Rump of Lamb, Soused Tomatoes, Fondant Potato, Butternut Squash
This week I am sharing a recipe which celebrates another key ingredient from Scotland’s larder . . . lamb. The lamb from Scotland is in...