Edinburgh Evening News 64 - Perthshire Wood Pigeon, Cherry Gel, Liver Parfait, Toasted Hazelnuts
We are heading into the best time of year for wood pigeon.
These plump birds are available at game dealers, farmers’ markets and even some supermarkets. Wood pigeons spend the summer grazing on corn and cereal crops so by late August they should have a nutty and sweet flavour.
This week I am sharing my recipe for Perthshire wood pigeon, cherry gel, liver parfait and toasted hazelnuts. Cherries are to pigeon what orange is to duck. The sweetness of the fruit marries perfectly to the bird’s rich flavour.
To balance this dish even further, I add an optional extra. I serve it with cubes of pickled beetroot. The sharpness of the beetroot cuts through the richness of the pigeon and sweetness of the cherry.
You can find the full recipe here.